Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy is COOL!

Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy is a young Pakistani journalist determined to tell the stories that no one else will (photo source: The Guardian)

Among my cool new finds are documentaries made by Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy. Sharmeen is just COOL, because she has guts and tells stories that we all need to hear. (In fact Sharmeen, if you are reading this, I would really like to be your friend!). Her main subjects generally revolve around women and children in different Asian and South Asian contexts, the underground abortion industry in the Philippines, gang violence in Indonesia, child suicide bombers in Pakistan, women's lives under the Taliban, Islamic issues, and more.

A few days ago, I watched her excellent report titled "Children of the Taliban" and was blown away. Here, VOA does a profile of the film:

is an interview with her:


Jeffrey said...

Those who watched Sharmeen Chinoy's documentary may also like to check out what
Peter Bergen has to offer on this subject. This will help us get both sides of the story for
getting a balanced picture.


pragzz said...

Thanks for adding this. I hadn't heard about Peter Bergen, so this is incredibly helpful.

Always looking to improve and balance out whatever I put up here.
